Spreadware Budgeting
Simple and complex budgets can be created by company and/or department/division. Standardized accounts can be established. Budgets can be based on actual figures, growth rate, previous years, previous reporting periods.
Spreadware Budgeting is designed to facilitate the creation of budgets, as well as consolidate the budgets of those who develop multiple budgets easily and quickly. Revisions of budgets can be made quickly, and easily - at any time! Budget analysis can be conducted when actual data becomes available, allowing for an estimate as to the reliability of the budget and/or the determination as to whether objectives are being met. There is also a forecast option, which allows for projection results based on actual data.
Spreadware Budgeting is interactive and easy-to-use, and can be applied to the smallest or largest of companies. Whether you want to build from scratch, import data, or use a previous model or other data, Spreadware Budgeting will save you significant time and effort.
Product Highlights
Unlimited number of budget periods.
Unlimited number of accounts.
Multiple forecasting periods in a single model.
Complete consolidation capabilities.
Compare actual versus budget.
Forecast option allows you to project based on early actual data. How accurate should you expect your budget to be, or should you be revising your numbers.
Make revisions at any time.
Create budgets based on actual number, growth rate, previous years, previous reporting periods, etc.
"Back-out" budgeting.
Unlimited number of budget models.
Extremely flexible, powerful and easy to use.
Magic Tools (+) allow you to apply many of these tools to areas other than a budget, making the program useful everywhere.